Professional Assist

2019 Professionalassist Webheader

Upcoming system updates: improved search platform for the FAQs page and video conferencing will be intergrated with Zoom.

Our Professional Assist is an online technical service provided in partnership with Information Exchange.

Professional Assist connects members to specialist advisers and provides access to an extensive information centre which aims to assist you in resolving specific regulatory issues. The responses you get to your issue can be easily adopted in your business, or passed onto clients, as all responses provided by Professional Assist are backed by advisers who hold Professional Indemnity insurance. 

The service provides members with cost-effective professional written opinions by experts in their field.

To view an introduction to Professional Assist, click here.

2020 Websubheaders Whyuse

HO6 Professionalassist Icons Reducedcost Reduced costs for advice HO6 Professionalassist Icons Rapidresponse Rapid responses
HO6 Professionalassist Icons Mitigatedrisk Mitigated risk of compliance HO6 Professionalassist Icons CPD Journals and research can count towards CPD
HO6 Professionalassist Icons Advice Independent professional advice    

"I would encourage all members to utilise the Professional Assist resource, even if it is just to give you peace of mind when providing advice to a client. It's like having your own legal team at your fingertips for a fraction of the price."

- Mitchell Moroney, FIPA FFA

2020 Websubheaders Benefits

2019 Professionalassist Icons Askanadvisor Access to leading advisers in the profession via 'Ask an Adviser' HO6 Professionalassist Icons Updates Regular Updates and reports
2019 Professionalassist Icons Insurance Responses backed by Professional Indemnity Insurance HO6 Professionalassist Icons Journals Free monthly/quarterly journals on tax, GST and superannuation
HO6 Professionalassist Icons Records Electronically tracked record of responses 2019 Professionalassist Icons Qanda Q&A Library
 HO6 Professionalassist Icons Searchabledatabase High-quality searchable database    

2020 Websubheaders Cost

IPA members currently receive four free credits each year to use on Professional Assist.

Generally, a question you ask will cost one credit (this includes any follow up questions), though more complicated questions or certain subjects may require two.

Additional credits can be purchased now.

2020 Websubheaders Howto

Sign up today to begin using Professional Assist.

How to Register and Login

How to Search the Question Library

How to Ask a Question

Register Vthumb

How To Search Vthumb How To Ask A Question Vthumb

2020 Websubheaders Connecting

2019 Professionalassist Invert Infographic Web

VT Connecttoanadviser Button

Please note: The username and password you provide will be your future login details when you use Professional Assist again. We advise using your IPA member login details for ease of use, however, you may use any combination you prefer.